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ing no more than $2,430 monthly can receive $23-291 a month.

• A two-person household making no more than $3,228 monthly can receive $23-$535 a month.

To qualify for CalFresh, people must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident. People do not need to have Medi-Cal or Medi-Care to be eligible.

To apply, people should bring the following: photo ID, Social Security number and proof of income. People may also need their resident card, proof of expenses or bank statements if they want to qualify based on their household resources.

Households with less than $4,250 in resources may also qualify for SNAP, even if the household makes above the monthly income limit. Resources include cash in hand or in the bank, stocks and bonds or inheritances.

It is now easier for adults over the age of 60 and people who live with disabilities to apply for and maintain their benefits. That is because households with an elderly or disabled member can use their gross income minus applicable deductions to determine eligibility.

For more information, call Daisy Diaz (Spanish available) at 714-733-8679 or Vivian Truong (Vietnamese available) at 714944-3275.

For general information about CalFresh, call the info line at 1-877-847-3663. Help is available in English, Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean and Russian. For speech or hearing assistance, dial 711.

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