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State senator visits LW, gives update on Sacramento

State senator visits LW, gives update on Sacramento State senator visits LW, gives update on Sacramento


by Emma DiMaggio

Communications Manager

On Aug. 1, residents gathered in Clubhouse 4 to get an update on legislation making its way through Sacramento from State Sen. Janet Nguyen. She was joined by Seal Beach Councilmember Thomas Moore and City Planning Commissioner Ben Wong.

During her presentation, Nguyen summarized a few pieces of legislation that she’s authoring, co-authoring or backing in the Senate. They include:

• SB1459: This bill would require public animal control agencies or shelters or private animal shelters with local contracts for animal care to publish monthly data on the number of animals taken in during the prior month and the outcomes of those animals, such as adoption or euthanasia.

• SB1478: This bill would establish parameters to guide how long it should take before an impounded animal receives a health assessment, protocols on treating common medical conditions of impounded animals and communication requirements between the veterinary technician and their supervisor.

• SB1214: This bill would establish the California Commission on the United States Semiquincentennial in state government to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the founding of the United States of America.

• SB 1407: This bill would authorize a nonprofit organization to plan, construct and maintain a monument to victims and survivors of communism on the grounds of the State Capitol.

• SB 923: This bill would revise the definition of shoplifting to require an intent to steal retail property or merchandise. This bill would require a person convicted of petty theft or shoplifting, if the person has two or more prior convictions for specified theft-related offenses, to be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for between one to three years.

Sen. Nguyen will return to Leisure World on Aug. 24 to speak to members of the America-First Republican Club.

See more on page 14.

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