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LW Women’s Golf Club

LW Women’s Golf Club LW Women’s Golf Club

Forty-four women played the Turtle Lake Golf course on July 30 for the weekly 7:30 a.m. Tuesday tournament. Play for the day was low gross and low net plus the players hit from the blue tees.

The blue tees are normally where the men tee off from. The women usually hit from the red tees.

A flight winners: Low gross: Lisa Kim, 27; low net: Veronica Chang and Sandy Derouin, 26.

B flight winners: Low gross: Ann Tran and Nancy Tye, 29; low net: Patty Littrell, 25.

C flight winners: Low gross: Pam Krug and Karen Ford, 30; low net: Sue Yokomi, 23.

D flight winners: Low gross: Elizabeth Butterfield, 34; low net: Connie Kong, 24.

—Linda Herman

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