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Letters to the Editor


Joe Biden did not make a generous, far-sighted, principled decision to leave his campaign for “re-election.” He was pushed out by the moniedinterest oligarchs of the Democrat cabal. Some reports are that he was threatened by Barack Obama and Kamala Harris with invocation of the 25th Amendment. For a party (allegedly) concerned with “the threat to democracy,” its very undemocratic ouster of Joe Biden is telling. He was set up to fail with the earliest presidential debate in American history, knowing that his mental faculties had waned months, if not years, prior. The anointing of Kamala Harris is almost complete, with the media slobbering over her “promise,” while memory-holing (Orwell) her unseemly, disastrous past.

Her stint as border czar was an abject failure. Her word-salad speeches are indecipherable. Her invitation to Ukraine to enter NATO (February 2022), as Russia was warning that Ukraine entering NATO was a red line may well have precipitated Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The unfreezing of billions of dollars to Iran by Biden/Harris (Obama) has helped to fund Hamas and Hezbollah in their quest to annihilate Israel. We now are at the precipice of yet another hot war instigated by ineptitude. Michigan (Dearborn), and Wisconsin (Madison) demand that she placate the “death to America” faction of the Democrat Party.

Kamala Harris was party to the coverup of Joe’s mental deficiencies, yet she is now to be trusted to carry the Democrat banner for president?

God help us.

Earick Ward Mutual 7 Editor:

I left my table tennis racket on the table with ball machine at Clubhouse 6 on June 15 at 5 p.m. I returned the next day at 2 p.m., and the racket was gone.

The old adage says “finders keepers, losers weepers.” But I didn’t lose it; therefore, you can’t keep it.

We have security camera in that room and I’m going to watch it, so please put it back where it was. After all, we are in the same boat of forgetfulness.

Man C. Cho Mutual 4 Editor:

“You know, the garbage trucks go the fastest.” That got my attention while waiting for my medical appointment.

“I call it the Golden Rain speedway,” she continued.

“I live on Golden Rain, too,” I said.

We agreed that the roar of engines, the smell of belching exhaust and the sound of tires whizzing along the road make living on Golden Rain a little challenging.

We commiserated about the different offenders and wondered about possible common sense solutions.

As vehicles enter Golden Rain from the intersection at St. Andrews, they have a clear Daytona Speedway-like view ahead of them.

Emergency vehicles (not in emergency mode), delivery trucks, contractor vehicles, our own GRF transportation vehicles, you name it, seemingly compete to be the first to reach the imagined checkered flag that awaits them at the stop sign.

Why are drivers in such a hurry to put Golden Rain behind them?

Perhaps they are offended by the dead branches tangled into the rusting fence. Some may find the view may be a bit too seasonally specific: just one vulture short of Halloween.

We wondered about printing the speed limit on the street and placing a stop sign at the corner of Golden Rain and Annandale Drive.

Yes, the planned installation of a speed bump might help, but wouldn’t these simple solutions be a good start and comparatively inexpensive attempts at calming the traffic speed?

That’s it then. We were called. I was directed to the podiatrist, and she headed in another direction, slowly.

Jeff Mulqueen Mutual 1

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