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Learn resilience after a disaster

Learn resilience after a disaster Learn resilience after a disaster


The next safety class, provided by the LW Community Emergency Response Team (LW CERT) will be on Friday, Aug. 23, at 9 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The topic “Resilience After a Disaster” will be presented by CERT Team Member Patrice Johnson. Residents are encouraged to attend and learn how to cope and get back on their feet after a disaster.

LW CERT’s free monthly safety classes are 45 minutes long, and all residents are welcome to join. Refreshments are provided.

The safety class in July had Senior Fire Safety for its main theme and was taught by Elizabeth Denney of the Orange County Fire Authority.

A few of the lessons learned were never to put water on a cooking fire, keeping a clean and clear space three feet from any flames and to stop, drop and roll if clothing catches fire. Residents were told to always plug large heat producing appliances like washer/ dryers, dishwashers, toaster ovens, microwaves and space heaters directly into an outlet. Never use extension cords for anything producing heat.

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