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Small changes in diet can lead to big results in weight loss

Small changes in diet can lead to big results in weight loss Small changes in diet can lead to big results in weight loss

Female residents who want to find support on their weight-loss journey and meet like-minded people are welcome to stop by one of the Wa-Rite meetings. The Wa-Rite is a women-only club and meets on Friday mornings from 9-10 in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Weighins are from 8-8:45. Dues are $10 a year, plus 10 cents upon signing in. Those dimes go to the person who lost the most weight that week. LW ID cards must be shown. Those who have decided to join the club should come no later than 8:15 a.m. to complete the paperwork and get weighed in.

Joy Bakker, a new member of Wa-Rite, was the biggest loser of the week with a 2.5-pound loss. This was Bakker’s first week with the club. She credits her weight loss to watching what she eats and not eating her husband’s snacks. Mary Messersmith was granted her short-term goal attributing it to cutting carbs and desserts, but she can’t give up drinking wine just yet.

Jeanette Williams shared her weight loss journey for the past 46 years, trying seven different diets and how much she learned from it. She said that moving and sleeping are essential, as well as not snacking in the middle of the night. She added that eating an apple every afternoon helps with binging.

Williams added that small eating tweaks make a big difference, such as not adding croutons to salads, saying no to homemade ice cream, bread and dairy, and leaving favorite snacks for the weekend. She said that finding balance in life is important and remembers her mom’s words of encouragement: “Wherever you go, you’ll be there.” After losing weight, Williams finds clothes shopping fun again, and credits Wa-Rite’s support and compatibility as indispensable.

President Judy Chambers’ message was: “Never give up! A little progress each day adds up to big results,” reminding everyone that 0.5 pounds a week could add up to 25 pounds a year.

—Jan Friedland

Joy Bakker

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