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LW Men’s Golf Club

The Leisure World Men’s Golf Club played the Turtle Lake Golf Course on July 24. The course is a 1,658-yard, 18 hole, par-54 course that challenges all who play. The greens are looking better now that golfers are repairing their ball marks. Golf etiquette also suggests players not let the flag stick drop to the ground, but rather that it be lowered gently.

Two groups of three flights of variously skilled golfers played for best net scores (gross score minus handicap), plus four circle holes (shots within a five foot radius are rewarded), and four closest to the pin challenges.

A total of 56 golfers competed on the course. With nice weather conditions there were 69 birdies and 10 circle hole winners. Additionally, 25 of 56 golfers were net at or under par. Closest to the pin on the eighth hole was Seung Lee and on the 17th hole it was Ben Benjamins. Low net score was Sam Williamson at 9 under 45, followed by Ruben Garcia at 8 under 46, and Seung Lee at 7 under 47.

A flight winners (handicaps of 0-7): Seung Lee, first place; John Kolthoff, second; Mike Mayfield and Dong On Kim, third; Jae Choi and Rolando Ramirez, fourth; Bill Lyons, Mark Rice and Bob Barnum, fifth.

B flight winners (handicaps of 8–12): Ruben Garcia, first place; John Rudosky, second; James Farr and Joon Sup Yoon, third; Won Song, fourth; Kevin Lindstedt, Ryan Hong and Terry Thrift, fifth.

C flight winners (handicaps of 13-18): Sam Williamson, first place; Daniel Mahoney, Peter Kim, Lee Broadbent and Paul Shellenberger, second; Dennis Jensen and Scott Tuchfarber, third; James Choi, fourth; Won G. Park, fifth.

The next men’s tournament will be held Aug. 14, and every second and fourth Wednesday of the following months. Those who had planned to play in any tournament and cannot should contact Scott Tuchfarber at 909-684-0426 or Dave LaCascia at 801-674-5975 as soon as possible. Arrive 10-15 minutes prior to scheduled tee time and be ready to play.

—Dave LaCascia

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