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LW Korean Community Church

People at LW Korean Community Church (LWKCC) were encouraged to sing and participate in worship after reading John 4:2-1-24 together on July 28.

After the service, a ceremony commemorating Elder Cho Heegeun’s 90th birthday was held. His two sons, daughter, grandson, and granddaughter came to the service to worship together and celebrate his birthday with church members.

Elder Cho immigrated to California in 1981. He lived in Anaheim for over 20 years before moving to LW in 2005. His wife works as a photographer and serves as vice president of the Overseas Literature Association. His books include two poetry collections, “A Rose Leaning on the Window” and “Preening Roses.”

LWKCC holds a Sunday worship at the sanctuary every Sunday at 11:50 a.m. to “plant God’s will in the ground,” and holds an early morning prayer service at the sanctuary led by the senior pastor at 6 a.m. Tuesday-Saturday. The church is located at 14000 Church Place.

For more information about the church, call Senior Pastor Dr. Jang Young Yong at 714-323-0897, or email

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