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John Burns wins 11th fi nal table at Poker Club

John Burns wins 11th fi nal table at Poker Club John Burns wins 11th fi nal table at Poker Club

Those who would like to play a fun and friendly game of Texas Hold ‘Em for a $5 buy-in can play with the Tournament Poker Club at the tournament on Saturday, Aug. 3. Regular tournaments are on the first three Saturdays of every month in the lobby of Clubhouse 6. Regular tournaments start with coffee, treats and registration at 10 a.m. Cards are in the air at 10:30. There is no late seating.

The club had an exciting time during play in the tournament on July 20. High hand winners were Joyce Smith (6-6-6-9) and Paul Carmona (5-5-5-5-J). By playing and winning with the promo hand of 7-3, Bill Clawson won the prize. As the winners of their original table, the final table players were: John Burns, first place; Katie Hamilton, second; Jeff Rolnick, third; Guta Basner, fourth; Patrick Conlon, fifth; Bill Clawson, sixth; Bob Konier, seventh. Play continued until Burns and Hamilton were heads up.

Play went back and forth for a considerable amount of time without changing the standings. Once Hamilton’s chip stack had decreased somewhat, holding 5 clubs/6 diamonds, she saw a flop of 5-J-5 —then a jack on the turn, giving her a full house of 5s over jacks and she went all in. Meanwhile, Burns, holding J hearts/9 diamonds, called because he had also made a full house—jacks over 5s, which won the hand.

Burns has lived in Leisure World for five years and has been a member of the poker club four years. This was his 11th final table win at a regular tournament. In addition to tournament poker, Burns is a member of the pickleball and billiards clubs and enjoys Jiujitsu and bowling.

The club congratulates all the winners.

—Deborah Barner

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