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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

An overflowing group of enthusiastic Democrats and supporters attended the Democratic Club’s membership meeting on July 24. Betty Yee, the vice chair of the California Democratic Party, spoke about the role of the state party in the 2024 General Election.

Yee is also a member of the National Democratic Party Committee (DNC). She began her presentation with a report on her recent phone conference with the other members of that committee.

The DNC is responsible for coordinating strategy to support Democratic Party candidates throughout the country and articulating and promoting the Democratic platform. According to Yee’s report about the meeting, the DNC is already playing a significant role in upholding the Democratic Party’s tradition of transparency and commitment to an effective nominating process that delivers a nominee on all state ballots.

Yee also provided information about the state party’s efforts to support election of Democratic candidates to Congress, with an emphasis on five California races, including LW’s own 47th Congressional district.

She ended her presentation with a short summary of why she is running to be elected as California’s governor in 2026.

Club members will make personal contact with other LW potential voters during August and September. Helping everyone be aware of the importance of electing downballot candidates is critical. To volunteer, contact Kathy Moran at 805-588-5141 or email Kmoran97@ Training will be provided.

Democrats and supporters who want to learn more about the club or who want to discuss politics with other likeminded residents can stop by the booth outside of Clubhouse 6 on Tuesday, Aug. 6, from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. To help staff the booth, contact Rachael Lehmberg at 562-340-9816 or email

The club’s “Lunch Bunch” program will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 7, at 11:30 a.m. at the Sunny Side Café located at 2940 Westminster Blvd. For more information, contact Debbie Wrathall at 714-658-6111 or

Democrats and supporters can subscribe to the club’s newsletter by emailing editor Mary Larson at mlarson. telfords@ Full contact information, including name, mail address, phone number, email address and party affiliation should be included.

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