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Photo Arts Club

Photo Arts Club Photo Arts Club

On July 11, President Regine Schumacher distributed a list of future assignments. A field trip to the Cerritos Library is being tentatively scheduled for Oct. 24. The library features unique architectural features, inside and out. Photos from the trip will be shown at the club’s holiday party on Dec. 12. The club is also in talks to schedule a field trip to San Juan Capistrano Mission next year.

Les Coombes displayed two calendars, one of which was the annual LW calendar, depicting photos submitted by LW residents. Barbara Houck showed a photo of Yosemite depicting what appeared to be green fog resulting from pollen in the air. Ben Benjamins showed a photo he had taken of a band at the amphitheater. The assignment was still life. Benjamins pointed out the importance of color and composition. Lighting is important but shadows should not be overwhelmingly black. There should be balance—the simpler compositions were the most impressive. He then showed the still life photos that had been sent to him on the big screen TV.

The Photo Arts Club will meet Thursday, Aug. 8, at 1:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The assignment is black and white. People should email their best three photos to Ben Benjamins at benbenjamins@ before Aug. 8. Everyone is welcome.

For information about the club, call Regine Schumacher at 562-430-7978.

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