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Letters to the Editor


I am responding to Earick Ward’s letter (July 18).

His list of top concerns includes immigration. Immigration is what made the country great. Trump closed the borders so that the crops weren’t cultivated or picked, forcing grocery costs to increase.

Biden has been very good on inflation and job growth. He is for women’s rights and for Social Security and Medicare.

There is no radical left. Radical is the dangerous right that wants Trump’s 2025 program. Biden will be good for the U.S. while Trump will make it his new fiefdom.

Let’s make the United States free from a tyrant.

My grandparents were among those who came to America as immigrants. They were people who helped make our country the wonderful place that it is.

We need to stop those people who want their own agendas to destroy the things that make America great.

America is already great; no one has to make it great again.

Barry Allen Mutual 10 Editor:

I read with great interest Mr. Ward’s letter (July 18). Why I read his letters I have no idea. I disagree with him 100% every letter he writes. Some would call me a bleeding-heart liberal. I’ll wear that name as a badge of honor.

What I find interesting is not what he wrote about but what he didn’t. He never mentioned Project 2025 (or Agenda 47). I wonder why that is? Project 2025 wants to do away with the Department of Education and cut school meals for needy children. Do people really want children go hungry?

Project 2025 also proposes certifying teachers based on their patriotism and having elections to pick principals. What is this, 1952?

How about doing away with the FDIC so that banks will no longer be regulated? Banks will then be able to charge you whatever they want. Your money will no longer be insured. Think 1929.

Project 2025 is over 900 pages long. Read it.

If it doesn’t scare you, then nothing will.

Carole S. Damoci Mutual 12 Editor:

I went by the golf course; no one was playing golf. I went by the swimming pool; no one was swimming. I went by the gym; no one was exercising. Yet, the GRF is not asking to eliminate any of these amenities.

The Minibus system that we currently have is an amenity. No, not too many able-bodied mobile persons use it. But it certainly serves the people who need to go to the Health Care Center, the pharmacy, church, Dollar Tree, etc. These are people who no longer can drive. They use walkers, canes, wheelchairs, and, just as important, many seniors are not computer savvy.

Yet now GRF is proposing they call for service, instead of using our friendly system of standing by a sidewalk or carport, and waving for the bus to pick them up. The current transportation system is a big plus in other ways too, taking large groups of people home after summer concerts. What about the 2,000-plus people transported on Minibuses when GRF did the fantastic Great LW Discovery Tour of all the clubhouses and amenities?

First and foremost, GRF should and must consider that Leisure World is for an aging population. It can’t compromise the safety of those who need it by trying to enforce a system that is not senior-citizen friendly. Has the additional revenue that comes in by advertising on the buses and the benches around LW been considered to provide proposed savings?

Most LW residents are not in favor of changing our LW transportation system. How many town hall meetings does it take for a no vote?

Mike Dunn Mutual 17 Editor:

I want to thank the Golden Rain Foundation for arranging the food box distribution June 28. It was awesome to receive an entire box of fresh vegetables for only $10! The line moved quickly, and everyone was very pleasant. I just had to show my Golden Rain ID card and pay the fee. This food box distribution made me feel that the administration at Leisure World really cares about the well-being of the residents. Thanks, also, to the Seal Beach Lions Club, who helped create the program and resident volunteers who devote time to checking in the residents and distributing boxes of food. Stephanie Smart Mutual 2 Editor’s Note: The food box distribution set for July 26 has been canceled due to an issue with the vendor.

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