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Art League announces July competition winners

Art League announces July competition winners Art League announces July competition winners

The LW Art League met July 9 in Clubhouse 4. Art teacher Carmen Leslie gave a demonstration of portrait painting using pastel, focused on figure drawing and composition. Leslie donated her two paintings as prizes at the raffle, won by Hannah Rubinstein and Art Salazar.

At the competition, Mickey Costello won best of show. JoAnn Rossi won the popular vote. In the masters category, Alice Sioson won first place; Carol Levine, second; and Vicky Mayhew, third.

In the intermediate/advanced category, Judy Sherratt won first place; Terese Smith, second; and Allyn Constant., third. In the 3D/craft category, Brenda Hemry won first place and Alice Sioson won second.

The Art League will not meet in August, however there is a Spotlight on the Artist reception on July 26 (see page 12).

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