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Over 350 vehicles served at shredding event

Over 350 vehicles served at shredding event Over 350 vehicles served at shredding event


by Anna Derby

LW contributor

The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) served over 350 vehicles in two hours during its shredding event on July 9.

Vehicles flowed through the service nonstop with shredding materials in plastic bags, paper bags and boxes. Volunteers had a moment to take a water break before another wave of traffic made its way through.

The 12 GAF volunteers worked together beautifully. They handled hundreds of vehicles and hundreds of bags without any glitches. The shredding truck driver reported that the community filled 36 bins of sensitive documents during the event. The GAF’s drop-and-go method worked extremely well. Residents didn’t need to get out of their cars. GAF volunteers retrieved the items from the resident’s cars to keep the flow going quickly.

The GAF’s appreciation goes to volunteers Carl Kennedy, Ren Villanueva, Roberta Johnson, Sophie Jin, Linda Johnson, Cheryl Falconer, Harry Varnas, who grabbed documents from residents’ cars; Geneva Potepan, who counted every single car that drove through the event, and Fara Mccartney, who received donations from residents. The GAF also thanks those who dropped off donations.

The GAF thanks Security for directing the flow of traffic. The GAF also thanks Recreation Manager Thomas Fileto, who made sure the event was posted on the marquee to remind shareholders about the service.

The next shredding event will be held Nov. 12. The GAF asks the community to put all documents in untied paper or plastic bags; no boxes. The GAF needs to check the shredding materials inside before dumping it into the bin to prevent a truck fire. Volunteers had to pull file hangers with metal, binder paper clips from tied plastic bags that would put the shredder truck at risk.

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