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LW Democratic Club

LW Democratic Club LW Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

The Democratic Club will meet on Wednesday, July 24, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 1:30 p.m. All LW Democrats and supporters—regardless of whether or not they are current members—are invited to attend.

This meeting will focus on the role of the Democratic Party in the 2024 election. Betty Yee, the female vicechair of the California Democratic Party will join in-person to lead the discussion.

Yee is a San Francisco native, born to Chinese immigrant parents She served as California State Controller from 2015 until 2023, when she termed-out of office. In the 2014 election, she won the open seat for controller with 54% of the vote. She was a member of the California Board of Equalization from 2004-2015.

As California Gov. Gray Davis’ budget director, Yee led in the development of the state budget and shepherded it through the legislature. In this role, she:

• Fought for economic opportunity for all Californians.

• Established a minimum wage for home care workers.

• Made ground-breaking environmental progress, working with the Clinton administration to protect the Delta, and with the governor to implement the nation’s first state law requiring automakers to limit carbon emissions.

Participants are invited to arrive for the July 24 meeting as early as 12:45 to socialize. Coffee, water and individually wrapped snacks will be available.

Members and supporters can also join the meeting on Zoom. Detailed sign-in instructions are available by emailing

Anyone willing to devote a few hours to working on projects designed to help get out the vote in the November general election should call 805-588-5141 or email No experience required.

Democrats interested in obtaining candidate yard signs should contact mlarson. telfords@, wabruce@ verizon. net or

Democrats and supporters who want to learn more about the club or want to discuss politics with other likeminded residents can stop by the club booth outside of Clubhouse 6 on Tuesday, Aug. 6, from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

The club’s popular “Lunch Bunch” program will be held at 11:30 a.m. on the first Wednesday of the month, beginning Aug. 7 at the Sunny Side Café located at 2940 Westminster Blvd.

The Leisure World Democratic Club believes that:

• Health care is a right,

• Diversity is a strength,

• The economy should work for everyone.

• Facts and truth matter.

Democrats and supporters can subscribe to the club’s newsletter by emailing editor Mary Larson at mlarson. telfords@ Full contact information, including name, mail address, phone number, email address and party affiliation should be included.

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