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Letters to the Editor


The Silver Fox Classic Car Club would like to sincerely thank and recognize the LW Recreation Department for all its amazing hard work and support in making the Classic Car Show such a success. They were helpful in every way, and we could not have done it without them. We are also very grateful for all the volunteers who lended a hand just for the love of cars. All are looking forward to the next July 4 show. Ted Green, president Silver Fox Classic Car Club Editor:

I was nearly the fulfillment of a prophecy I’d made when the new gate system was installed. The gate came up, both traffic guards Ok’d my right turn, and because I always check the right lane despite their OKs, I was able to jam on the brakes as a car passed in front of me down Golden Rain Road. I avoided the collision.

It’s not clear to me that the lane changes described as forthcoming (June 27) will obviate incidents like the one above. Although all drivers should select the proper lane as the article described, they will most likely, in my opinion, whether residents or guests, when traffic is high, use whichever lane has the shortest queue. Cross traffic will still be with us.

On a different but related issue, I never understood how the ability Proptia gave us to follow/find cars that had already been vetted provided enhanced security. In the June 27 issue, I learned that Proptia’s true purpose was to be revenue. Will any residents fined for guests’ failures to properly display passes send the cost on to the guest? I doubt it. Lee Hoyt Mutual 11 Editor’s Note: The primary purpose of Proptia is to make it easier and more efficient for residents to manage visitors and guests, plus help Security track community access to nonresidents. Residents who are signed up with Proptia can now add and delete guests, and send them passes online without calling Security. Regarding cross traffic at the Main Gate, all vehicles— residents, staff, vendors and guests—can now enter both lanes. The GRF Security team has been monitoring daily traffic counts using a vehicle tracker. Based on that data, the gate revision reduced vehicle cross traffic by about 43%, according to a report by Security. Data was collected over a six-day period before the entry gate changes and for a seven-day period after the change was made, verifying there is less cross traffic, and entry times are faster with both lanes open to all drivers. As people get used to the new entry flow, drivers should become more adept at choosing the appropiate lane when turning right or left onto Del Monte Drive, to further reduce cross traffic. Editor: I thoroughly enjoyed the annual Fourth of July parade. I felt so much pride and joy until one golf cart with a Trump poster passed by.

This was so upsetting it tarnished the whole event for me. I was so disappointed that there was no one enforcing the rules that were decided for this event. If it was to promote a Trump event, I just simply would have not participated. Susan Saraf Mutual 15 Editor’s Note: The Rollin’ Thunder July 4 golf cart parade is sponsored by the club. There are no club rules pertaining to cart decoration and signage, and the parade was not promoting a Trump event.


Joe Biden’s age notwithstanding, the Democrats have a problem.

Of the top concerns of the American people are immigration, inflation, jobs and the economy, Social Security/ Medicare, foreign entanglements, abortion, crime and public safety. It doesn’t matter a hill of beans who takes Biden’s place on the ticket—Hillary, Michelle, Gretchen, Gavin, J.B. Pritzker, Kamala.

It is not Joe’s policies that have failed the American people. It is leftism writ large. Full stop.

The radical-left wing of the Democrat Party has instituted policies that are in contradiction to the interests of the vast majority of the American people.

Interject any of the abovementioned names onto the Democrat ticket and the trajectory of Americas destruction continues apace.

While a new candidate will pay lip-service to being different than Joe, do we think that any of them will take action to close the border, reduce government spending or push to remove leftist DA’s in crimeridden Democrat-run cities? Any doubt that any Democrat will not be equally radical on the abortion issue? Do any of these, ahem, prospects instill fear in Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping or the Iranian Mullahs?

Donald Trump successfully managed the border, the economy, crime and international affairs in his first term.

There is no doubt, in spite of the gnashing of teeth of media shokesholes, that he will continue to effectively serve the interest of the American people.

No, Joe Biden is not the problem—radical leftism is. We are at a crossroads.

Let’s vote to “Make America Great Again.”

Earick Ward Mutual 7

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