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2025 Medicare part D changes

2025 Medicare part D changes 2025 Medicare part D changes

Thanks to the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Medicare participants saw significant changes applied to some prescription drugs. More vaccines were covered at no cost, and the $35 cap on one-month supply of parts B and D covered insulin were put into effect.

2025 will also bring significant changes that will affect Medicare part D holders.

• Newly designed part D structure will remove the donuthole coverage gap and lower a yearly out-of-pocket cost up to $2,000 that people will pay for their prescriptions.

• There will be part D manu • facturer’s discount program that will affect those who have extra help on their prescription drugs by covering more prescription for people with limited incomes.

• ReducedcoinsuranceforcertainpartBdrugs.Ifthepriceofadrug covered by part B (medical insurance) increased faster than the rate of inflation, people might pay less than 20% coinsurance for that drug. The specific drugs that are impacted and the potential savings may change every quarter.

• Medicare prescription drug payment plan. For the first time, beginning 2025, all Medicare prescription drug plans are required to offer a capped monthly payment plan at the pharmacy.

To learn more, contact the independent licensed Medicare broker Sandra Teel at 681-446-7135 (office) or 909-856-9379 (cell), or go to

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