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Presidents’ Council Meeting Recap

Presidents’ Council   Meeting Recap Presidents’ Council   Meeting Recap

THE PRESIDENTS’ COUNCIL July 3 Clubhouse 4 and Zoom Tele-Video Conference

The regular monthly meeting of the Presidents’ Council of Leisure World Seal Beach was convened at 1:30 p.m. by President Jeri Dolch, on July 3.

The following is a recap:

• Presidents’ Council meeting minutes of April 3, 2024, were approved, by the Council, to stand as written.

• GRF Senior Director of Facilities Mark Weaver, provided updates on general projects in the community and advised the council that there were rebates for turf removal.

• GRF Physical Property Manager Kevin Black discussed updating forms used in Physical Property.

• GRF Senior Director of Mutual Administration Jodi Hopkins provided updates regarding the Stock Transfer Department and in the Mutual Administration Department.

• 2024 election results were presented to the council members. Mutual 14 received 64% which was the highest percent-age of member participation during the 2024-2025 election. Mutual 14 President Jack Nevin accepted the trophy.

• GRF Executive Manager Dave Potter advised that he is waiting to hear from the City of Seal Beach regarding the increase in water rates. He also provided updates on the audit and advised there were items needed for the reserve study.

• President Dolch appointed Beth Mayer, Bruce Bowles and Dale Watkins to the nomination committee.

• President Dolch presented a handout titled “How to Register for the CINC Resident Portal.”

Next meeting: Wednesday, Aug. 7, at 1:30 p.m. at Clubhouse 4, or via Zoom Tele-Video Conference and YouTube Live.

Mutual presidents representing shareholders in 2024-2025 include Jack Nevin, (standing l-r) Mutual 14; Teri Nugent, Mutual 2; Bruce Bowles, Mutual 15; Beth Mayer, Mutual 9; Dale Watkins, Mutual 16; Beth Vroon, Mutual 7; Rod Sims, Mutual 10; Pennie Alberts, Mutual 6; Carol Ginthner, Mutual 3; Jan Kuhl, Mutual 4; Beth Greeley, Mutual 11; and Jeffrey Mulqueen, Mutual 1. Seated are the executive board of the Presidents' Council, including Cathy Gassman, Mutual 17, secretary; Jeri Dolch, Mutual 8, president; and Rich Carson, Mutual 12, vice president. Not pictured is Linda DeRungs, Mutual 5.

Mutual 14 won the 2024 trophy for having the most votes cast in the GRF election; 64% of the Mutual's residents cast ballots. Accepting the award from GRF Senior Portfolio Specialist Ripa Barua (l) and Senior Director of Mutual Administration Jodi Hopkins (r) was Jack Nevin, president of Mutual 14.

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