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LW residents to perform at LB church

LW residents to perform at LB church LW residents to perform at LB church


On Sunday, July 28, at 2 p.m., LW residents Peter Bates and Yuri Lotakov will perform a unique music program at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 607 E. Third Street, Long Beach.

The concert will include the music of American composers Carson Cooman, Richard Purvis and Joe Utterback, and be concluded by George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue.”

Peter Bates joined the staff of Covenant Presbyterian Church in June 1997 and has served as minister of music and resident organist for that organization for over 27 years.

Yuri Lotakov was born in Odessa, Ukraine, and started his musical training at the age of 5. He got his Ph.D. degree in music from Kiev State Conservatory under Vsevolod Topilin, famous Ukrainian pianist and teacher who studied under Henrich Neuhaus.

Yuri won outstanding acclaims concertizing extensively in USSR, Europe, South Africa and the United States.

—Luba Lotakov

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