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Learn senior fire safety July 26

Learn senior fire safety July 26 Learn senior fire safety July 26


The LW Community Emergency Response Team (LW CERT) will hold a safety class on Friday, July 26, at 9 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The topic, “Senior Fire Safety,” will be presented by guest speaker Elizabeth Denny of the Orange County Fire Authority. In the event of a fire, seniors are especially vulnerable to injury and worse. Residents are encouraged to attend and learn how to lower the risk of a home fire.

LW CERT’s free monthly safety classes are 45 minutes long, and all residents are welcome to join. Refreshments are provided.

The June safety class focused on how to shelter in place and was taught by LW CERT member Paula Snowden. Attendees learned how to identify critical items needed for various emergencies, such as a power outage, earthquake, chemical spill and extreme weather conditions. The giveaway item for June was a solar lantern won by LW CERT member Lily Huang.

LW CERT members Paula Snowden (l) and Lily Huang.

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