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LW Women’s Golf Club

LW Women’s Golf Club LW Women’s Golf Club

Thirty-nine women played the Leisure World Golf Course on June 25 brought. Play for the day was low gross low net and chip ins A Flight Winners

Sophia Kim, 27, low gross; Janice Turner, low net; Jane Song, No. 6 chip in.

B Flight Winners

Susie Kim, 29, low gross; tie between Joann Lim and Chong Hee Kim, 23, low net; Mary Ann Moore, No. 8, and Nancy Tye, No. 2, chip in.

C Flight Winners

Pam Krug, 31, low gross; Sandy Kim, 23, low net; Jane Kors, No. 2, and Sun Lee, No. 5, chip ins.

D Flight Winners

Sue Sloan, 35, low gross, Elizabeth Butterfield, 24, low net.

All Leisure World women are welcome to join the club. Dues are $25 annually.

—Linda Herman

LWer Margie Thompson enjoyed play at Turtle Lake Golf Course on June 25.

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