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Hui O Hula

Hui O Hula Hui O Hula

Hui O Hula offers Hawaiian dance lessons twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday, starting at 1:15 p.m. All are welcome. Call 562-431-2242 for class information.

In class this week, hula dancers are putting together an entertainment program to honor the veterans at the Filipino Associaiton of Leisure World’s (FALW) annual veterans picnic. On July 6, dancers and FALW members will honor veterans with “God Bless America,” “I’ll Remember You,” “Aloha ‘Oe” and more. Dancers are happy to take requests from the audience. Old favorites like “Tiny Bubbles” by Don Ho and “Blue Hawai’i” by Elvis Presley always make the list.

—Jojo Weingart

Dancers performed at the Impaired Vision and Hearing Club.

Jojo Weingart

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