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Democratic Club

By Mary Larson

LW contributor

The Democratic Club meets on the fourth Wednesdays of the month. Betty Yee, the vice chair of the California Democratic Party, will be at the next meeting on Wednesday, July 24. She will lead a discussion on the Democratic Party’s role in the November General Election.

The club’s membership meeting on Aug. 28 will feature a presentation on the most controversial propositions on the November ballot.

People can volunteer on the first Wednesday of the month from 9:30-11 a.m. to work Get-Out-The-Vote projects in the November General Election by calling 805-588-5141 or emailing No experience required.

Democrats and supporters who want to learn more about the club or discuss politics with like-minded residents can stop by the booth outside of Clubhouse 6. The booth will be open on the first and third Tuesday of July from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

The City of Seal Beach Housing Element has been reorganized and further revised in an attempt to meet California requirements. A copy of the current version is available at

The city welcomes public input and written comments sent to Alexa Smittle, community development director,at

More information about the club is available by calling 562296-8521 or emailing mlarson. Democrats and supporters can subscribe to the club’s newsletter by emailing editor Mary Larson at mlarson. Full contact information including name, address, phone number, email address and party affiliation should be included.

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