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Photo Arts Club

Photo Arts Club Photo Arts Club

The Photo Arts Club will meet Thursday, July 11, at 1:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The assignment is “still life.” People should email their best three photos to Ben Benjamins at before July 8.

At the June 13 meeting, President Regine Schumacher presented a list of possible future assignments and asked everyone to vote for their three favorites. The results of that vote will be available at the July 11 meeting.

Ben Benjamins began the program by reminding members that his goal was to make “artists” of them all. The most important thing in the photo is light. The worst time for photographing outside is at noon, with no shadows and all light coming from directly above the subject. North light is soft light, creating soft shadows. The secret of good photos is using light to enhance the subject of the photograph. He encouraged people to really look at the photo before snapping the shot—modify the angle, background and position of the subject to enhance the photo. He wants members to be able to determine the direction of the light source on their still life photos for the upcoming assignment. He then showed the photos in the theme “numbers” that were submitted to him.

People may also bring photos of their choice to be displayed and commented on at the meeting. Individuals with technical or other questions will be paired with someone who can help them for individual discussion after the meeting.

Everyone is welcome. For information about the club, call Regine Schumacher at 562-430-7978.

—Regine Schumacher

Nancy DeMille collects members' votes for future photo assignments. The results will be presented at the club's July 11 meeting.

Regine Schumacher

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