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LW Korean Community Church

LW Korean Community Church LW Korean Community Church

Senior Pastor Jang-Young Yong gave a sermon titled “Offer sacrifices for righteousness” to the LW Korean Community Church (LWKCC) congregation last week, inspired from the reading of Psalm 4:5-8.

It was a message of grace that emphasized the importance of focusing on personal sacrifice and striving to get closer to God.

After the service, a ceremony commemorating Elder Kim Sang-bae’s 80th birthday was held. His two sons, grandson, and granddaughter worshiped together and shared a meal with all the church members.

Elder Sangbae Kim graduated from the department of electronic engineering at an engineering university in Korea and taught electronic engineering at school before moving to the United States to work at Leo’s Stereo and run an electronics business under the name Sangtronic.

He moved to Ohio in 1978 and then to California. He lived in Glendale for over 40 years before moving to Leisure World three years ago.

LWKCC meets every Sunday in the Community Church sanctuary at 14000 Church Place at 11:50 a.m. The early morning prayer service is led by the senior pastor at 6 a.m. Tuesday-Saturday.

The church’s mission is to “plant God’s will in the ground.”

For more information, contact Rev Jang-Young Yong by calling 714-323-0897 or emailing

Elder Kim Sang-Bae (center) celebrated his 80th birthday with family and the LW Korean Community Church congregation.

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