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Korean American Association

The Korean American Association’s second quarterly general meeting was held at Clubhouse 2 on June 13 with approximately 300 members in attendance.

Chairman Steve Chung declared the meeting open at 4 p.m. and announced the association’s growth to date as well as upcoming projects.

Leisure World Korean Community Church’s Jang-Young Yong led the blessing and the community expressed its gratitude for God’s grace and guidance.

While members were eating, guest singer Kim Sam-do performed a solo with Monica Yu on the autoharp. There was also a performance by the Los Angeles Arirang janggu team (Younghee Park).

During the meeting, the newly elected executives were announced: Ko Young-ah and Kim Chris, vice presidents; Kim Jeonghee and Lee Mi-mi, secretary generals; and Lee Hee-ja, treasurer.

To connect members who have difficulty accessing email, the association conducts volunteer work at the Korean American Association every Thursday at 3 p.m.

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