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Food Scraps • Bread, rice ….

Food Scraps

• Bread, rice and pasta

• Cheese and dairy

• Coffee grounds and filters

• Fruits and vegetables

• Flowers and herbs

• Meat, bones and poultry

• Seafood and soft shells

• Pet food (non-medicated) Food-Soiled Paper

• Food-stained paper

• Paper egg cartons

• Paper napkins and kitchen towels

• Pizza boxes

• Plates

• To-go boxes (no coating)

• Wooden and fiber-based utensils Food-soiled paper must be 100% fiber-based (no materials with petroleum based plastic, wax or bio-plastic coating, liner or laminate).

Unacceptable Organics Waste (Do Not Include)

• All plastics

• Cacti, succulents, yucca

• Compostable plastics (bioplastics) • Coffee cups and pods

• Fats, oils and grease

• Food stickers (remove from produce)

• Gloves

• Hard shells (clams, mussels, oysters)

• Medication

• Palm fronds

• Paper napkins, towels with cleaning chemicals

• Parchment and wax paper

• Pet waste

• Rocks and soil

• Rubber bands and twist ties For more information, visit AthensServices. com/ Food or call the Athens Customer Care Center at 888-336-6100. Find out more about SB1383 at

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