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The power of community for weight loss success

The power of community for weight loss success The power of community for weight loss success

The women-only Wa-Rite Club meets on Friday mornings from 9-10 in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Weighins are from 8-8:45. Dues are $10 a year, plus 10 cents upon signing in. That dime goes to the person who lost the most weight that week. LW ID cards must be shown. Female residents who want to lose at least 10 pounds are invited to stop by one of the meetings at 9 a.m.

Each week, President Judy Chambers writes a food-forthought comment on a white-board. Last week, she wrote: “You’re on a journey and still trying to figure out which way to go.”

This week, the club announced the results of its April Showers Bring May Flowers contest. Shirlene Bradrick won $20, Mary Messersmith $5, Shirley LaBrecque $10 and Melinda Lee $20. In Wa-Rite, it pays to lose. This contest was designed as an incentive to help women move forward with their weight loss goals.

Whenever the members lose weight, they are asked how they did it. Kathy Moran said: “It’s a struggle and it’s work, but you have to keep trying.” Shirlene Bradrick shared that she’s a foodaholic and enjoys herself on the weekends, but gets serious about what she eats during the week.

Mary Messersmith is a relatively new member and in a short time has already reached her weight loss goal of 10 pounds. Her motivation is her son’s destination wedding in a few months.— Jan Friedland

Kathy Moran

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