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Save the date for the shredding event: July 9

Save the date for the shredding event: July 9 Save the date for the shredding event: July 9


The next Golden Age Foundation (GAF) shredding service will be held on Tuesday, July 9, in the Clubhouse 2 parking lot from 10 a.m.-noon.

Golden Age Foundation volunteers will retrieve documents to be shredded from residents’ cars. To make sure the shredding service runs smoothly, the GAF asks residents to follow these guidelines:

• Do not arrive earlier than 10 a.m.; no one will be there to guard dropped off documents.

• Place documents to be shredded in paper bags in the passenger seat and stay in the car. A GAF volunteer will get the bags from the car.

• Once the truck arrives, drop off bags and leave. Waiting with documents or forming a line is not allowed.

• The GAF will only accept untied plastic or paper bags; no cardboard boxes.

• Magazines, newspapers, electronic devices and X-rays will not be accepted.

• Remove staples and paper clips from all documents before the event.

• Contaminated bags will be turned away.

Donations are welcome.

All GAF programs are provided free to Leisure World residents. The GAF is staffed by volunteers, so all contributions go directly to meeting community needs. Through the generous support of residents, clubs, organizations and businesses, the GAF is able to provide these programs to all residents for free.

For more information about the event or the Golden Age Foundation, go to www.GoldenAgeFdn. org, or text President Anna Derby at 562-301-5339.

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