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Notice of Proposed Rule Change

48-1931-1 Parking Rules PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that at a duly held meeting of the Board of Directors conducted on May 28, 2024, the Board approved to send out the following proposed rule change to the membership for 28-day review. The proposed rule change will be reviewed by the Board for adoption at their July 23, 2024.

Current Rule: 2.5.8. Vehicles may be parked for no more than 72 (seventy-two) hours in one location. 3.2. Blue Zone (Handicapped): Vehicles must display a valid, government-issued disabled (handicapped) license plate or placard.

4.5.1. The RV or VUFR parked on TRUST PROPERTY MUST display a GRF-issued decal or entry pass 4.5.2. The RV or VUFR cannot be parked on trust streets except for loading and unloading purposes for no more than 24 (twentyfour) hours with an approved security pass Text of Proposed Rule Change: 2.5.8. Vehicles may be parked for no more than 72 (seventy-two) hours in one location. Recreational Vehicle (RV) or Vehicle Used for Recreation (VUFR) are not included (See Section 4.5.1 and 4.5.2) 3.2. Blue Zone (Handicapped): Vehicles must display a valid, government-issued disabled (handicapped) license plate or placard. California Vehicle Code 4461 VC is the statute that makes it a crime to misuse a handicapped disability parking placard or license plate. The placard is intended solely for the disabled and restricted to specific parking spaces.

4.5.1. The RV or VUFR parked on TRUST PROPERTY MUST display a GRF Recreational Vehicle Lot (RVL) issued decal or a valid 2-day entry pass 4.5.2. The RV or VUFR can be parked on trust streets for loading/ unloading up to 48 (forty-eight) hours with an approved (RVL) issued decal or a valid 2-day entry pass. Once loading/ unloading has taken place the RV or VUFR must be moved to the RVL or Designated Temporary RV and VUFR Parking (See Section 4.6). If space is unavailable the RV or VUFR must leave the community. Moving from spot to spot on GRF Trust property every 48 hours is not permitted. Purpose and Effect of the Proposed Rule Change: The proposed rule change is to clarify parking rules regarding the limit of RV parking on trust streets and clarification of Blue Zone parking.

Member comments may be submitted prior to the meeting by emailing or submitting to the reception desk located on the first floor of the Administration Building at 13531 St. Andrews Dr, Seal Beach, CA 90740.

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