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Jae H. Lee scores a rare hole-in-one on No. 3

Jae H. Lee scores a rare hole-in-one on No. 3 Jae H. Lee scores a rare hole-in-one on No. 3


The Leisure World Men’s Golf Club Tournament was played on June 12 at the Turtle Lake Golf Course. Fifty-seven golfers participated in three flights and vied for best net scores, four circle holes and two closest to the pin challenges.

Twenty-six of the 57 rounds were net at or under par, with a near record 76 birdies and 10 circle hole winners. Jae H. Lee scored a rare hole-in-one on the 64-yard third hole.

Low gross competition:

Bob Turner, 3 under 51, first place; followed by Bill Lyons, Pat Paternoster and John Kolthoff.

Best net score: Byron Schweitzer, 42, first place; June Um, 46, second; Marv Jones, Jae H. Lee and Seon Kim, 48, third.

Closest to the pin on the 75-yard eighth hole was Tom Owens at 1 foot 6 inches, and Steve Walker was closest on the 17th at 2 feet 10 inches.

A flight winners: Seon Kim, 6 under 48, first place; Turner, 4 under 50, second; Ralph Koizumi, Thomas Kim and Walker, 3 under 51, third; Kolthoff, Ron Steele and Seung Lee, 2 under 52, fourth; Bob Barnum, 1 par 53, fifth.

B flight winners: Um, 8 under 46, first place; Owens and Jae H. Lee, 6 under 48, second; Jae Choi and Dennis McMonigle, 5 under 49, third; Ruben Garcia and John Rudosky, 4 under 50, fourth; Mark Tal, 3 under par 51, fifth; James Farr and Richard Yokomi, 2 under 52, sixth; Bruce Bowles, 1 under 53, seventh.

C flight winners: Schweitzer, 12 under 42, first place; Jones and Mike Carlson, 6 under 48, second; Kevin Lindstedt, 5 under 49, third; Dale Williamson and Manny Mirenda, 4 under 50, fourth; Dennis Jensen and Ben Benjamins, 3 under 51, fifth; Jon Russell and Won G. Park, 2 under 52, sixth; Steve Kang, 1 under 53, seventh.

The next men’s tournament will be on June 26 and every second and fourth Wednesday of every month. The Guys and Gals Tournament is played on the third and fifth Wednesday of each month. Those who had planned to play and cannot should call Scott Tuchfarber at 909-684-0426 or Alan Sewell at 541-324-8558 as soon possible.

—Dave LaCascia

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