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Eight of diamonds beats all in casino tournament

Eight of diamonds beats all in casino tournament Eight of diamonds beats all in casino tournament


The Tournament Poker Club had its biannual casino tournament on June 8. The tournament is different from a regular one because the buy-in and payouts are larger, and it is no-limit from the beginning. Before the start of the tournament, a continental breakfast of croissants, fruit, and water and coffee was served.

Fifty-four eager players started the tournament at 10:30 a.m. As play continued, players were knocked out, and the remaining players were moved to fill in spots at other tables. When it was time for the break, about half of the tables were left. Play resumed after the break as the blinds had climbed to $500/$1,000 in chips. More players were knocked out until eight final table players remained. The final table blinds kept going up until they reached $25,000 /$40,000 in chips. Soon, it was down to the final five players. Final players eliminated in order were Lem Hall, fifth; Glenn Evenson, fourth; Linda Stone, third. That left Debbie Barner and Harry Sera battling it out for first place.

In the last hand, Sera was holding 7-2 off-suit and when the flop came 10 of hearts, and A-9 of diamonds he went all-in, trying to bluff with his remaining chips. Barner had a hard time deciding whether or not to call with 8 of diamonds and 2 of hearts but decided that a possible straight was good enough for a call. The turn was a 6 of spades, getting both players closer to a straight. But, when the river was a 3 of spades, Barner’s 8 was just enough to beat Sera’s 7.

The next club tournament is on June 22 for those who would like to play a fun and friendly game of Texas Hold ‘Em for a $5 buy-in. Regular tournaments are the first three Saturdays of every month in the lobby of Clubhouse 6 with registration beginning at 10 a.m., along with treats and coffee. Cards are in the air at 10:30. There is no late seating.

Reservations are being accepted for the next round of poker lessons for those who are rusty, learning, or who have never played before. Call Debbie Barner at 325-721-0687 to reserve or for more information.

—Debbie Barner

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