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Community Gardens grand opening is June 26

Community Gardens grand opening is June 26 Community Gardens grand opening is June 26


To celebrate the grand opening of the Community Gardens, a ribboncutting ceremony will be held Wednesday, June 26, at 1:30 p.m. at the Community Gardens, otherwise known as the 1.8-Acre site. The ceremony will include current and former GRF Board members who made this project possible.

Transportation will provide a shuttle from the Clubhouse 4 parking lot as the street will be closed during the event. On-call bus service is also available by calling 562-431-6586, ext. 2379.

The Recreation Department has begun assigning lots to former lessees and to those on the waiting list who responded with an application. Applicants will receive a letter from Recreation inviting them to come into the office to complete the lease and receive their lot number. The process is expected to take a few months and gardeners are asked to wait until their letter arrives before coming to Recreation.

The waiting list is now live on, where new applicants may add their names for an opportunity to be assigned a garden lot in the future. For more information, contact

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