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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Meetings for the Atherton Ward are held at 6500 E. Atherton Street in Long Beach. The sacrament service is held every Sunday at 9 a.m., followed by Sunday school on the first and third Sundays, and Relief Society and Elders Quorum meetings on the second and fourth Sundays. Primary classes for children are held every Sunday during the second hour. Members who are unable to attend Sacrament services in person can request a link from Bishop Mike Gravley at 562-212-8681.

The course of study this year is the Book of Mormon. Personal study for the week of June 24-30 should be centered on Alma 13-16. The “Come, Follow Me” manual says “In many ways, life in Ammonihah had been good for both Amulek and Zeezrom. Amulek was ‘a man of no small reputation,’ with ‘many kindreds and friends’ and ‘much riches’ (Alma 10:4). Zeezrom was an expert lawyer who enjoyed ‘much business’ (Alma 10:31). Alma arrived with an invitation to repent and ‘enter into the rest of the Lord’ (Alma 13:16). For Amulek, Zeezrom, and others, accepting this invitation required sacrifice and even led to almost unbearable adversity.”

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