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Wa-Rite Wa-Rite

The women-only Wa Rite Club meets on Friday mornings from 9-10 in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Weigh-ins are from 8-8:45. Dues are $10 a year, plus 10 cents upon signing in. That dime goes to the person who lost the most weight that week. LW ID cards must be shown. Female residents who want to lose at least 10 pounds are invited to stop by one of the meetings at 9 a.m.

Once again, Melinda Lee was the biggest loser with a 5.5 pound weight loss. She attributed her success to eating foods rich in probiotics such as kimchi and gochujang, and drinking plenty of water. The club is proud of Lee’s recent overall weight loss of 24 pounds and encourages her to keep going.

President Judy Chambers interviewed former queen Henrietta Peavy, who lost 50 pounds in the past to get healthy. She recalls gaining weight when she started school and regrets her mother not intervening to address that issue. Peavy moved to Leisure World three years ago and joined Wa-Rite 1.5 years ago to meet new people. Her other interests include sewing, Swedish weaving and going to church.

—Janice Friedland



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