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Volunteer options abound at the Friends of the Library store

Volunteering at the Friends of the Library bookstore and boutique is one of the most rewarding jobs in LW. While it is unpaid, it offers many rewards. Customers at the bookstore are generally a happy lot, donating their books and goods and usually walking in smiling while anticipating great bargains such as greeting cards for 25 cents and most hardback books for $1. Paperbacks, puzzles and beautiful coffee-table type books can be found for 50 cents. Books outside that are a little older sell for $2 for a bag of 10.

Boutique items are shown on the Facebook page every week, and people can find some beautiful things for the home and fantastic jewelry for themselves or friends, all at favorable prices.

Volunteers will work with a warm and helpful group of people who will show them the ropes. Store proceeds go back to the LW community in donations to the library as well as smaller amounts to local community colleges to prepare students to work in public libraries. Shifts are three hours long, from 9:30-12:30 a.m. or 12:303:30 p.m. Most volunteers work two or four shifts per month. Do something for the community by volunteering for this rewarding opportunity. Drop by and pick up a volunteer application.

—Patricia Kruger

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