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Upcoming Shuffleboard Club milestones and events

Upcoming Shuffleboard Club milestones and events Upcoming Shuffleboard Club milestones and events

An important upcoming Shuffleboard Club event is the Thursday, June 6 membership meeting at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 1, where there will be an opportunity to honor Kay and John Mount for their unbelievable contributions to the club over the past two years. All club members, past and present, are urged to attend this all-member business meeting to pay tribute to their tireless guidance and dedication. In addition, new officers will be reporting on their plans for the coming year.

The annual Joan LaCascia Memorial Tournament, a tradition in the Shuffleboard Club held every June, will take place mid month. Sign up sheets to play in the tournament are available now in the Courts Building.

The club’s new mini-league series ended May 29 after three weeks of intensive learning, practicing, coaching, applying new skills, making new friends and having fun. Everyone involved declared it was a resounding success. There were 25 players in total, alternating with their competitors and 1012 veteran players helping out for each of the three weeks. This arrangement fostered an immediate and ongoing relationship between the new members and the veteran players that is hoped will continue. Sue Burkschab, mastermind behind the minileague series, demonstrated leadership, knowledge of the sport and patience. She had clear objectives for her training approaches which included instilling safety, strategy, etiquette and rules of the game.

May 24 morning league results: Team Shel vanquished Team Milly 9-3. Team Shel all-game winners were Anita Giroud, Kay Mount and Rod Osgood. Team Milly’s all-game winner was substitute Chandra Patel. Team Carol got the better of Team Sally 8-4. Roger Bennett, Steve Edrich, Carol Johnson and Stephanie Reagan were all-game winners for Team Carol while Team Sally’s sole allgame winner was Sally Fowler.

May 28 evening league results: Team Rod beat Team Karen/Sue 8-4. All-game winners for Team Rod included Rod Osgood, Barbara Ponegalek and substitute and returning player John Mount. Sue Burkschab and Karen Mendon were all-game designees for Team Karen/ Sue. Team Chandra advanced over Team Sally 8-4. Minda Burkschab and Chandra Patel were all-game winners for Team Chandra and Harshad Patel was all-game winner for Team Sally.

For more information, call Patty Peterson at 562-714-7072.

—Barbara Gardner

Eighteen Shuffleboard Club members could not stay away from open play on Memorial Day. Five new members joined the seasoned members and scored exceedingly well.

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