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Sunshine Club

Sunshine Club Sunshine Club

Margaret Gillon will talk to the Sunshine Club about the history of Leisure World, on Friday, June 7, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 10 a.m.

Gillon joined the board of the LW Historical Society in 2013. Her first project was setting up a computer to convert the Society’s 150 VHS tapes to digital files and create a YouTube

Margaret Gillon channel to host the videos. As of August 2021, the Historical Society YouTube channel was viewed by 117,766 people. Gillon became president of the Historical Society in 2018.

There are many materials at the Historical Society in Clubhouse 1 for people to view including artwork, digital photo collections, the LW Weekly on microfilm from 1962-1999, digital copies of the LW Weekly from 2009 to the present, sales brochures from the 1960s, aerial photos, artifacts, 1960s maps of Leisure World, digitized copies of Golden Rain minutes from 1962 to 1972, and so much more.

The Historical Society of Leisure World is open every Thursday from 2-4 p.m. in Clubhouse 1. Visit the Historical Society website at: https:// sealbeachleisureworldhistory. org/ or watch videos at https://

The GRF Executive Director Jessica Sedgwick will be next week’s speaker on June 14.

For more information, text Anna Derby at 562-301-5339.

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