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Shelter-in-place safety class is on June 28 in CH 3

Shelter-in-place safety class is on June 28 in CH 3 Shelter-in-place safety class is on June 28 in CH 3


The LW Community Emergency Response Team (LW CERT) will meet on Friday, June 28, at 9 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, for a safety class on how to shelter in place. Residents are reminded that in a disaster they are on their own and are encouraged to have three days of food and water for each person living in the unit, including pets.

LW CERT’s free monthly safety classes are 45 minutes long and all residents are welcome to join. Refreshments are provided.

The May LW CERT safety class topic was Be Prepared for a Power Outage. Participants learned tips of what to do—and not do—to protect themselves during a power outage. Special attention was paid to good preparation by having extra flashlights, extra batteries, and a plan for being safe.

The highly interactive class included a safety grab bag giveaway, won by Sue Crockett.

—Karen Olson

LW CERT Vice-President Fara Jeanne Quirin (l) with safety grab bag winner Sue Crockett.

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