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Senior transportation shuttle


The Senior Shuttle Service is a free 20-passenger shuttle that runs on a fixed route throughout major city stops.

The route includes Seal Beach Pier/Old Town area, Leisure World, and Rossmoor Shopping Center/North Seal Beach Community Center. This shuttle can accommodate wheelchairs and scooters, and hold two bikes.

To register, submit the following to the City of Seal Beach recreation coordinator Anthony Nguyen by email or in-person.

• An application that can be found on www.sealbeachca. gov/ Departments/ Community- Services- Recreation/ Senior- Services.

• Proof of Seal Beach residency (ID card) and date of birth (CA driver's license). To use this free shuttle, people must be:

• Residents of Seal Beach.

• 60 years or older.

• Pre-registered with the City of Seal Beach.

• Have their SMP ID number available for the driver. This number is assigned upon registration with a turnaround time of three business days after submittal of application. For more information, call GRF member resources liaison Robann Arshat at 562-431-6586, ext. 2317, or email

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