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Letters to the Editor


I stand with Liz Cheney. Although she and I would have probably disagreed on most policy issues, Cheney has spoken often of the very real danger this country is now facing. After conducting a far-reaching congressional investigation into the Jan. 6 siege of the capitol, she concluded the defense of Democracy and our very way of life are now in our hands. Further, she paid the price.

I take her warning seriously, and I worry about the country our children and grandchildren will inherit.

Do we really want a system where our loyalty is to a person who thinks he is above the law and tries to circumvent consequences for his behavior?

We need to re-think our priorities.

Whether I think Joe Biden is too old is not important. Whether I like his personality is not important. What is important is that he supports our Constitution and our long history of carefully constructed laws, and I hope there are others who share my concerns.

Jana Rogers Mutual 7 Editor:

My husband and I recently tried out the hot food currently being offered at the new pharmacy.

Personally I’m not interested in the food trucks’ food. I find the food overly seasoned and unhealthy.

The pharmacy food tastes homemade. I made a meal out of their fried rice by adding a protein and salad.

My husband had the garlic pasta with shrimp. We were both impressed. I did mention to them that Styrofoam is harmful to the environment and the next time we went in they were using paper food boxes and bowls.

Very nice, they listened. Stop by and take a look.

Jacquie Clarke Mutual 5 Editor:

This is in response to Rodney Schaerer’s letter in reference to the coyote situation (May 30). I am not a member of the Sierra Club. But I grew up in an area of the country that had coyotes. We were taught at an early age that you never corner a coyote. They will not attack you as long as they have an escape route.

Mother Nature has them on this earth for a purpose. We the people think we know better than Mother Nature.

We are doing the same with the coyote. Once they are gone, then the mice will overrun us. So back we go to chemicals to control the mice.

Man tries to control what Mother Nature does a good job of balancing for many decades. Our efforts throw Mother Nature out of balance. Every living creature on this earth has a purpose. The coyotes were here before Leisure World was built. We moved in to their area. Now we feel we have the right to move them out?

We, as humans, have encroached on Mother Nature. The only reason people have lost pets to coyotes is because they broke the leash law we have in Leisure World.

Obey the laws and all goes well. Let the coyotes alone. We can live with them in our back yard. We have lived with the coyotes since they were put on this earth. Let the coyotes be. They are wild creatures and have the right to live as Mother Nature intended.

Clarence A.Hoffman Mutual 7

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