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Cristina Vegas 1945-2024 ….

Cristina Vegas  1945-2024 
	 …. Cristina Vegas  1945-2024 

Cristina Vegas 1945-2024

Cristina Elena Vegas Eyzaguirre was born on Jan. 8, 1945, and died on May 16, 2024, at the age of 79 years.

Born in Lima, Peru, she was raised in the northern city of Piura, where her parents and large extended families resided. Her mother, Rosa Meche Eyzaguirre Rodriguez, was widowed upon the death of Cristina’s father, Fernando Enrique Vegas Herrada. Five years later, when she was 10 years of age, her mother married James Richard Dabney of California. The following year, Cristina and her sister Virginia were joined by a baby brother, James Richard Dabney Jr. Their new father’s work led the family to reside in Costa Rica, the Canary Islands, the Philippines and Australia before settling in California permanently.

Cristina studied at the University of Nebraska and earned a bachelor’s degree at Whittier College in California. She worked for 30 years in computer programming, first at the Mc-Donnell Douglas Corporation and then as an analyst after its acquisition by Boeing.

She enjoyed home computers, travel, books, racket ball, and claimed the role of family photographer, often annoying her family, who is now grateful for the memories she preserved for them.

She was preceded in death by her wife, Barbara Kalish, after a union of 33 years. They were both active in Old Lesbians Organizing for Change (OLOC), of which Barbara was among its founders.

As a widow, Cristina left her home in Long Beach, California, and moved to Leisure World in Seal Beach with her two dogs. There, she enjoyed new friendships and developed an enthusiasm for drones and video recording.

Cristina shared via Facebook her enthusiasm for life through photography of the natural beauty found in her new community and found an appreciative audience. She was a generous soul, in small and large ways, including private philanthropy.

Her active life was cut short by cancer. She is survived by her sister Virginia Bernal, brother James Dabney, and their children, David and Daniel Bernal, Juno and Josh Dabney.

A private celebration of her life will be held on June 29, at a lunch for family and friends. Donations to Feeding America are welcome in lieu of flowers. By her request, her ashes will be scattered at sea.

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