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Community Church

Community   Church Community   Church

Community Church thanks those who attended the magnificent concert on May 25.

Sunday, June 9, is the third Sunday after Pentecost. Community Church will continue its exploration of the Gospel of Mark. Visiting Reverend Lynn Francis will lead worship while Pastor Johan Dodge is on leave. The message will ask believers consider how God is continually calling them. Francis will encourage people to look for subtle opportunities to be Christ-like for others and see how they can experience the Holy Spirit in others’ actions.

Community Church hopes to be a place of unity and love, through the teachings of Jesus Christ, to share kindness and compassion with everyone.

People are welcome to see what the “friendly church” is all about. The church is located at 14000 Church Place. Sunday worship is at 9:50 a.m., followed by fellowship and light refreshment. Come early for a cup of coffee in the narthex. Services are also available on Facebook or Zoom; contact the church office for a Zoom link.

Violinist So Jin Kim (l-r), pianist Hannah Yi and cellist Fran - cisco Vila, performed the music of Arensky and Mendelssohn and "How Great Thou Art" at Community Church on May 25.

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