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Art League will meet June 11

Art League will meet June 11 Art League will meet June 11

The Leisure World Art League will meet on Tuesday, June 11, in Clubhouse 4 at 7 p.m. The popular vote theme for this meeting is “water.” Those who have art entries for the competition should arrive earlier. Judging will start at 6:30. Members can also bring paintings for display that they do not want to enter in the competition. The meeting is open to everyone, however, the competition is for Art League active members only. There is no fee to enter in the art competition. Call Marion Higgins at 562-296-8328 for more information about the different categories of the competition.

The demonstration artist for the meeting will be LW resident Jon L. Olson.

Olson is currently a signature member of the American Society of Marine Artists (ASMA) and an active member of the California Art Club. His works are focused primarily but not exclusively on maritimehistorical subjects, particularly on the West Coast and on the Great Lakes (Wisconsin) where he was born and raised. He regularly participates in the annual Maritime Art Exhibit at Coos Bay, Oregon and Ventura County Maritime Museum annual show and has been accepted numerous times to the Mystic Seaport International Maritime Exhibit. Many of his works are in private collections and he is especially proud of a first-place award in oils and acrylics at the 2005 74th Annual International Exhibition of the Washington, D.C. Society of Miniature Artists, Sculptors and Gravers. Over the last few years, he has also participated in miniature art shows in London and Madrid.

—Larry Sioson

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