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Dancers & Mixers Dance

Dancers & Mixers Dance Dancers & Mixers Dance

The Dancers and Mixers Club will hold its monthly dance on Tuesday, June 4, at 7 p.m. in Clubhouse 4.

Live ballroom dance music will be performed by Linda Herman. There is no charge to participate, so even those who can’t dance are invited to socialize and listen to the music. This dance will have a Hawaiian theme and attendees are encouraged to show up suitably attired.

Last month’s dance was well attended because it fell on longtime volunteer Grace Lesher’s 102nd birthday. Her family and friends attended, adding to the usual festivities.

Dancers without partners are encouraged to attend, as the event will feature a mixer. People are encouraged to bring their favorite snacks and beverages. Everyone is welcome. For more information, call 562-431-1257.

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