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Casino Tournament date changed

Casino Tournament date changed Casino Tournament date changed


The LW Tournament Poker Club has changed the date of the Texas Hold ‘Em Casino Tournament from June 15 to Saturday, June 8, due to a scheduling conflict. The tournament will take place in the Clubhouse 6 Lobby. Registration and continental breakfast is at 9:45 a.m. Play begins at 10:30. Registration in advance is $20 for members and $25 for guests. At the door on the day of the event it is $25 for all players. There will be no late seating.

Reservations are being taken for the next round of Texas Hold ‘Em lessons for those who are rusty, learning, or who have never played before. Call Debbie Barner at 325-721-0687 to reserve or for more information.

A fun and friendly game of Texas Hold ‘Em with a $5 buy-in will be held Saturday, June 1. Regular tournaments are the first three Saturdays of every month in the lobby of Clubhouse 6 with registration beginning at 10 a.m., along with treats and coffee. Cards are in the air at 10:30. There is no late seating.

The club had a great turn out for the May 18 tournament. The high hand winners were: Cleo Looney (5-5-5-5-9) and Maryanne Conte (Q-Q-Q-K-K). By playing and winning the promo hand of 3-10, Terry Gonzales won a prize. As the winners of their original tables, the final table players were: Namil Shin, first place; Wendy Wu, second; Lem Hall, third; Nancy Floyd, fourth; Joseph Guglielmo, fifth. About 48 players started the game and play continued until the final table where Wu and Shin were head’s up. At the last hand the flop came K-4-2 Shin went all in with K-Q, he was called by Wu with K-2. The turn was a 4, giving both players two pair. Shin had the advantage with a queen kicker, but when the river card was a 9, Shin had the winning hand.

Shin has lived in Leisure World for about one year and has been a member of the poker club from the beginning. This was his third final table win at a regular tournament. He enjoys living here in Leisure World where he participates in several activities.

—Debbie Barner

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