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Bocce season wraps up June 8

Bocce season wraps up June 8 Bocce season wraps up June 8


The LW Bocce Club will celebrate the end of the spring season on Saturday, June 8, at 10 a.m. on the bocce court. Winning teams will compete for the grand championship. Bring chairs and be ready for an exciting day of games, raffles, lunch and lots of fun. There will be an assortment of deli sandwiches, chips, drinks and dessert for those who have bought lunch tickets in advance. Volunteers are needed to bring desserts to share.

People can also sign up for the next season of bocce, which will begin on Sept. 12. Be sure to sign up to secure a spot for the fall season. For more information or questions, contact Rhonda Cox at 714-904-6458.

—Rhonda Cox

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