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Monday Night Bunco will play June 10 in CH 3

Monday Night Bunco will play June 10 in CH 3 Monday Night Bunco will play June 10 in CH 3

The Monday Night Bunco Club plays on the second and fourth Mondays of every month in Clubhouse 3, Room 1, at 6 p.m. There is a halftime social for mingling with friends and neighbors. The club will not play on Monday, May 27, due to Memorial Day. The Bunco Club will meet on June 10. For more information, call Katie Carmagnola at 925413-7583.

—Kathleen Carmagnola

The May 13 winners were: Larry Shulman (l-r), Michie Kimora and Phil Arnold, most buncos; Johanna Rogers and Joanne Herrera, most wins; Sandra DeDubovay, most babies; Sandy Weisenstein, most losses; Judy Hulin, door prize.

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