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LW Korean Community Church

LW Korean Community Church (LWKCC) will celebrate its 14th anniversary on June 2.

LWKCC was established in the Orange County area on Feb. 21, 2010, by the family of Senior Pastor Yong Jang-young, elders Jeon Ye-won, Deacons Jeon Anna, Kim Min-jeong, and Lim Won-il. On June 5, 2017, the church settled in Leisure World.

To commemorate the 14th anniversary, a service will be held in the sanctuary at 14000 Church Place on Sunday, June 2, at 11:50 a.m. Pastor Jin-geol Noh, from Fullerton Presbyterian Church, will deliver the sermon and Pastor In-deok Kang will deliver benediction.

In the praise band, Elder Jun Yoo will lead special songs “Angels’ Chorus” and “By the River of My Lord’s Grace.” Decons Kim Myeong-sun, Hwang Jeong-a, Jo Ann Jo and Kim Young-mi B will be appointed as decons.

The LWKCC choir will participate with some members of the LW Orchestra in the 36th United Choir Festival hosted by the Orange County Christian Evangelism Association at Grace Korean Church at 6 p.m. on June 2, see page 12 for more information.

Pastor Yong Jang-young will lead 34 people on a 13-day trip to the Holy Land starting Sept. 2.

LWKCC holds Sunday worship at 14000 Church place every Sunday at 11:50 a.m. Early morning prayer is held in the sanctuary at 6 a.m. from Tuesday-Saturday. For more information, call 714-323-0897 or email

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