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Tips on safeguarding personal and financial information

Safeguarding personal financial data has never been more important, as an increasingly digital world has made online banking that much more prevalent. People need to be diligent in safeguarding their information from cyber criminals and play a key role in protecting themselves. Though even the best precautions cannot completely secure the financial privacy, every little effort is worth it to reduce the risk of being victimized by data theft. These tips from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority can help people safeguard their privacy.

• People have the right to opt out of the sharing of some of their personal information with affiliates and non-affiliates of a financial institution. For example, people can opt out of receiving prescreened credit offers by way of credit bureaus selling information about them to lenders or insurance.

• Increaseawarenessofphishing scams. These often are emails that appear to come from legitimate firms or financial regulators asking for personal information. These entities would never ask for account numbers, passwords, credit card information, or Social Security numbers through email. Verify all communication with the financial institution by contacting that institution directly at the number listed on your account statement or bill.

• Be aware of the links or pop ups online. Never click on a questionable link or download a suspicious email attachment.

• Strong passwords can keep accounts more secure. Resist the urge to use the same password across many accounts. Once that password is compromised, the cyber criminal may be able to try it on the other accounts. Consider using a password manager to suggest and save strong and unique passwords for each account.

• Utilize multifactor authentication (MFA) whenever possible. MFA adds an extra layer of protection by using a password as well as a unique code or biometric to unlock the account.

• Conduct all financial business on a personal device on a secure network. Delete the cache and history frequently to avoid leaving a digital trace.


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